tajuk n3 byar utang..
utang apa?
utang tag..
utang apa?
utang tag..
ok ok dah dah..dok merapu
xtentu hala...bajek intro best
saya nk byr utang tag dr
cik jahok start..hehehe
1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog
Deoderant : avon
Toothpaste : kolget
Shampoo : belasah apa pon xpe..
Razor : apa yg pak syed beli saya pakai wakakakaka...
Underwear : nk kene gtau gak ker mendalah ni..erk..
Make up : saya xpakai mekap..kenkadang jer pakai lip gloss
Perfume : avon jer
Watch : milane..pak syed beli masa besday 2 thn lps
Car : honda
Airline : hahaha mana... ada naik pon xpenah
Backpack/Purse/Wallet : yg pakai skarang giossardi..penah pakai bonia,gucci,guess dll tp suma yg fake punya ekekekeke..mak xmampu noks..
Shoes : tgh pki skrg BATA sajork..
Sandals : belasah apa pon xpe
Jeans : xpakai jeans..sbb gumuk
Handbag : the latest..coach..pon fake gak..
Heels : beli masa untuk hantaran jer..carlo rino
Computer : laptop acer rt punyo
Search Engine : google
TV Channel : asal best layan...
Cell Phone : nokia 6500 slide
Beer : astaga..mintak dijauhkan..
Soft Drink : rootbeer..beer hat ni xpa no..
Fast Food : suma saya suka
Pizza : Pizza Hut
Cereal : koko krunch
Chocolate : asal cekelat saya ok sajork
Ice cream : pon belasah suma saya suka..
Tags 5 people - malas nk tag sesapa dah..kenkawan yg nk buat
silakan yer..xdesapa nk mrh pon..blog kita suka kitalah kan..